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Group Coaching Program 2025

“There will be breakthroughs, triumphs, moments of intense clarity and opportunities to connect with other people on a level you have never before experienced.”


Are you tired of hustling? Things are tough. Money is tight. Expenses are high and revenue is low. I feel it too. It sucks!

Next year I’m going lean: minimising expenses and overheads and maximising profitability. And I’m planning to take a small group of committed business owners with me on the journey.

I want to keep doing what I do, but things need to change. My family needs me more than ever. I have new and exciting opportunities on the horizon.

Over the years the services I have offered, the events I’ve organised and the retreats and trips I’ve arranged have all improved and grown in complexity.

Next year I’m simplifying EVERYTHING.

I want to do more with less. I want to work with people who are as committed to learning as I am to sharing.

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10-12 Members

Are you up for the ride?

It’s going to take a lot of focus and prioritisation but HANG ON! There’s going to be space for fun along the way…

As part of the program, we will plan an aspirational work-focused trip together. As a group, we’ll choose the location (Salone Del Mobile, NYC x Design Week, London Design Week…?) make the plans and decide on the budget.

This group will also become your tribe for the year. We’ll plan social activities (online and in person) and get to know one another personally at the same time as supporting one another professionally.


As a group we share our dreams, review our current operations, and create a plan for the coming year.

It will be hard work. There may be tears. There may be tantrums. But there will also be breakthroughs, triumphs, moments of intense clarity and opportunities to connect with other people on a level you have never before experienced.

How can I make these promises?
Because I see it happen in our programs and on our retreats all the time. Now, we’re pumping this shit full of steroids and watching the magic happen. I know it will happen!



Together we’ll work from a deep audit of our current position and performance, then move on to investigate goals and aspirations, through to the creation of a strategy and regular check in’s to ensure we stay on track.

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About Me

Here’s one thing I know: I’m great at what I do. I get results.

I “show up” relentlessly for my coaching clients – physically, mentally and emotionally. I openly share what works for me, the mistakes I’ve made, and the lessons I’ve learned.

I’ve helped hundreds of business owners transform their business systems, giving these individuals the confidence necessary to win jobs that they have previously only dreamt about.

Here’s another thing I know. There are incredible opportunities out there for the people who are prepared to do the work and pull in the right people around them. I can connect you with these people.

I’m proud to say that I have created a beautiful supportive community. People who are shining examples of success in this industry. People who’ve become lifelong friends, who love giving back to our members.

International Group Trip

Together we will plan a trip to one of the iconic trade events around the world for late 2025 or early 2026. This is a true "Choose Your Own Adventure" opportunity!

As a group we'll decide on the itinerary, the accommodation, the dining experiences and (most importantly) the budget. This will be an optional element of the coaching program, so there will be no obligation to sign up until the plans are made and the costs are finalised.





Join the waitlist to get the first opportunity to apply when registrations open.

Waitlisted Members who sign up for the Program will go into the draw to win one of the following prizes:


  • Additional 3 x 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions valued at $1,050.

  • Flights to and from the chosen destination for the Group Trip valued at up to $3,000 (conditions apply).


“I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined I could put forward these kinds of numbers and have clients not even bat an eyelid!


This is all down to you and your help with education, mindset, and the biggest shift of confidence in myself to believe I can really do this!


Thank you so very much, you are literally the most outstanding coach, and such a shining example in our industry!”


- Angie Rogers, Angie Rogers Interiors


"Andrew, your program has truly invigorated our thinking. We’ve regained the passion and drive to elevate Studio Minosa to its fullest potential.


With your guidance, we have begun establishing the systems, pricing models, and frameworks necessary for business success. While we are still on our journey, we now have a solid foundation to build upon and a renewed belief in ourselves."

- Simona & Darren, Studio Mimosa

What am I commiting?

- Fortnightly Group Coaching
- Monthly 1-on-1 Coaching
- Accountability Program
- Guest Speakers
- Property Tours
- Trip Planning
- Networking and Social Events

About You

Suitable for: Individuals with vision, grit, determination and vulnerability.

Not suitable for: People looking for a silver spoon or silver bullet. Unreliable individuals who persist in a world of overwhelm and inaction.

Key Inclusions

- 24 x Group Coaching Sessions (fortnightly for 1 year)
- 12 x 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions (monthly for 1 year)
- Accountability Program
- Group Planning of an International Trip of your choice (eg: Milan 2025, or Maison Objet, London Design Festival)


From $330 per fortnight
Pay 3 months upfront 10% discount
Pay 6 months upfront 15% discount
12 months upfront 20% discount

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