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I Love (Hate) Technology

My Love x Hate Relationship With Technology

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has sent me an email or message with beautiful words of support for our first couple of weeks of newsletters. I also appreciate you sharing your own struggles with burnout last year. Please keep the feedback coming - I'm keen to ensure I'm delivering valuable content to you. Being able to connect with our members via these mediums is one thing I LOVE about technology! 


On the other hand, sometimes technology seems to work against us, and makes our work less efficient and effective.


Recently I wasted an hour and a half trying to "verify" my business on Google.


The process involved clicking through multiple web pages with the usual prying questions and the tiresome setting and resetting of passwords (you know the drill).


Ultimately I landed on a page that required me to record a video of the outside of my office, through to the inside of the office, with various other things to capture on this 2 minute video along the way. I mean, WTF? What's that all about? I felt like a criminal trying to prove my identity.


To top it off, the system crashed (Google's not mine) after I uploaded my video, so I had to do it all over again.


Herein lies my LOVE X HATE relationship with technology.


When it's good, it's amazing. When it's not, I want to smash something. (I'll seek anger management for this ailment soon)


This got me thinking about all the ways that technology helps and hinders us in business. It also made me consider the ways that we can subconsciously be sabotaging ourselves by relying too heavily on technology for certain tasks or activities that could otherwise be better without it, especially when it comes to building connections and nurturing relationships.


Here are some of the ways I think we can benefit from our tech, and some things to be wary of.


Short Cuts vs Cheating


We all love the way that technology advances our capabilities, improves efficiency and helps us learn.


When I first started in the industry (um... last century) it was common place for architects to draft by hand. Although a revered and romantic style of documentation, it was a somewhat slow and laborious way to design, with far less accuracy and fewer capabilities.


As technology advances further, we're seeing faster and better ways of communicating the emotion of a complex design through 3D documentation. None would argue against the advantages of technology in documenting design.


However, with the rapid onset of AI, we're seeing a wave of "cheating" in all manner of fields and industries, with design being no exception. When used as a tool to enhance, AI will be a brilliant addition/extension to everything from written content to the graphic representation of design concepts.


Unfortunately, there are those who are choosing to use AI (instead of their grey matter) to do the heavy lifting, though their lack of authenticity is generally spotted from a long mile. Not only is this dumbing down their own capabilities, it's actually cheating them out of the chance to genuinely contribute to the work they're putting forward, and to continue their journey of discovery and learning.




  • Clever people in my team who document my design ideas quickly and make me look amazing. Our team use all sorts of documentation software, from CAD, Revit and Sketchup, to 3DS Max.

  • Again, clever people in my team (not me) who create our beautiful presentations and graphics. Our team use Photoshop, InDesign, Canva, and PowerPoint.

  • Time tracking software for the team, so I can run reports and manage the business more effectively. We use Harvest (others include Xero Projects, Monday and Toggl)

  • Project Software to make documenting, quoting and invoicing on a project more seamless, accurate and efficient. We use Programa, as it's an Australian company that is really committed to delivering a quality product to the design community (also consider Ivy Houzz Pro, Mydoma, Workflow Max).




  • Plagiarism. If you're using ChatGPT, make the content your own. Don't be lazy. Add personal details and write it in your own voice. It will connect much more with your audience.

  • Hiding behind technology instead of challenging yourself creatively. Use AI to enhance your ideas, not to replace them.

Empowerment vs Disempowerment


The 21st Century has certainly enabled "small players" (like you and me) to grasp opportunities and run with them, to huge success. We truly live in a golden age for small business and we can be whatever we want to be (if we put our minds to it).


Technology makes it possible to create our own branding, set up a website and market ourselves to a world-wide audience, in ways that still make my head spin. And pretty much at the click of a button (or 2). It also enables us to build our team and communicate more efficiently.


As a bit of a tech-dinosaur, it took me about 2 years to fully embrace the capabilities of Trello, and the incredible power it has to organise and prioritize my life and business. Now I use it for EVERYTHING from Premium Group Coaching Program member boards (so they can access meeting links, download notes and tools and share their business details) through to my own personal short, mid and long term goals which I share with my accountability partner monthly.


Where would I be without my Trello boards to organise my life?


But there are aspects of technology that are complicating things for small business owners. Rather than make our lives easier, and making us more powerful, the saturation of software programs on the market seems to have made many people feel unsure and inadequate.


Now, my BIG beef is that we rely too heavily on technology as the solution to all challenges, instead of building healthy habits and processes that address them first. There are hundreds of Apps, websites and plug-ins that promise to solve every problem from time management to cash flow.


A pet hate of mine is the constant seeking of software programs to replace behavioural deficiencies. Take time management. I regularly have members coming to me with a string of different Apps and programs wanting to know which one will help them track time?


The answer: all of them, and none of them. The App won't track time for you. You need to do the work, and if you don't have the basic skills and habits for recording time, there isn't a program that will help. It doesn't matter what program you use, building the habit of repeatedly and consistently recording and tracking your time (even in a note pad is good) takes intention, time and effort.




  • Apps that make organisation easy, and allow clear communication in our team. We use Trello (others include Asana, Programa)

  • Website platforms that make us look good and enable us to offer all sorts of features for our members (like the newsletter you're reading now). We host our business on Wix, and while the capabilities for customisation aren't as good as Word Press, it's getting better all the time. (Squarespace also has good templated websites)

  • Accounting software that makes financial reporting more accessible and more understandable. We use Xero and love the Budget Manager for setting and reporting on our yearly budget.

  • Good old fashioned Excel (or the online version in Google Sheets). Believe it or not, this (somewhat outdated) tool of technology from the 1980's is still a staple in our business. It's a powerful way of creating budgets, forecasts, analysing customer behaviour and spending, and making plans for new courses and programs.

  • For time management we use time blocking in Google Calendar. Sound strategies (supported by the right tech) for managing time help minimise overwhelm and increase efficiency. If you struggle with this, we address time management in our Premium Group Coaching Program.




  • Relying too heavily on technology and not developing sound habits and systems, and then USING the tech to support these habits and systems.

  • Chat Bots. There's something really disempowering about trying to communicate with a computer. Call me old fashioned, but I want to speak to a real person. At TDC, we make it easy to get in touch with one of our team to ask questions (check out our Discovery Calls) or to solve problems.

  • Excel Haters. They're just jealous of our nifty formulas.

  • Large Corporations (hello Google) who don't make it easy to get in touch when you're having technical problems. It's just so disempowering! Thumbs up to ANZ and Telstra who have both moved in the opposite direction and now make it easy to connect with a real person in a reasonable amount of time (sometimes).


Connection vs Disconnection


This is a major one.


Undoubtedly we are incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to communicate with and meet people all around the world through technology. We're able to stay in touch with distant loved ones at the click of a button, and we're able to conduct business more efficiently and effectively through the advances of communication tech.


However, if technology has done more damage to any one part of our lives, it's in the way it's simultaneously connecting and disconnecting us. The reliance of devices for communicating and connecting has overtaken our primal need for physical connection, to our detriment.


We live in a time when tech has made connecting with people easier than ever, yet we're currently facing a dangerous epidemic of loneliness, where the threat of dying from isolation is as likely as dying from obesity.


Don't get me wrong, I love being able to FaceTime my bestie on the opposite side of the world, or WhatsApp call my Mum on her trip to Vietnam, and most of all, I love connecting with our members all around Australia and the world.


But if we weigh up the benefits provided by Social Media vs the damage it's done to in-person connectivity, I would be happy to reverse time and do without it all together.




  • Connecting online with people all around the world through the TDC community. We have people join our Courses, Programs and Coaching from all around the world! Our recently awarded Scholarship Program had applicants entering from 6 different countries around the world. We love how technology has enabled this.

  • Meeting in person. Sometimes we need to get out from behind the computer screen, and mix with like-minded people. We created our Social Club for exactly that reason. This year we're hosting events all across Australia, so keep an eye on our Instagram for details.

  • Group getaways. Holidays are fun. Business holidays with a group of ace business owners like you can be transformational! The friendships that come from our Retreats and Trips are next level. Interested? Join us in Palm Springs in 2025 (only 2 tickets left!)




  • Black screens on Zoom. If you're joining a meeting, try to be somewhere where you can have your camera on and the audio connected. If you're somewhere that you can't, at least let the host know, and pop a nice pic of your face up! Would you walk into an in-person meeting with a bag over your head?

  • Hiding behind Social Media to promote your business. Instagram IS NOT marketing. It's just a part of a broader marketing approach. Get out and meet people in person. Catch up for coffee, arrange a lunch meeting, put yourself forward for a speaking event.

  • Just using images to connect with your audience. Communicating your personality through words is powerful. Write blogs, newsletters or a even a book. Speak on a podcast.

  • Keyboard warriors. Hiding behind anonymity on a screen does not make you brave. Making a phone call or meeting in person to address a problem takes courage.

  • Lockdowns. No comment needed.

Convenience vs Laziness 


It's quite amazing that I can pretty much run TDC from anywhere in the world. Even before Covid, I was loving the gifts that tech bestowed on my love of travel. Emails, video conferencing and international calling have made running my business so much more convenient and make working remotely possible for thousands of small business owners and employees.


I'm the first to admit that Uber Eats became my friend at a point in my life where work was creeping into my evenings. That was kind of convenient. Then it just became about being lazy...


After reviewing my monthly expenditure on Uber Eats one day (ouch!), I quickly made a decision to recommence my Sunday morning market shopping. From that came a healthier eating plan, huge savings and a really enjoyable weekly shopping and cooking ritual with my partner Brendan.


In business, we can also allow technology to make us lazy. 


After doing all the hard work putting together a proposal and fee estimate for a new project, it's tempting to stick it in an email, and hit send. Doing this means you get to avoid the discomfort of dealing with any unknown reactions they might have, and also avoid dealing with the immediate feeling of rejection if they choose not to go ahead. It's just being lazy.


What about an alternate approach, of presenting in person? Whilst it's not as convenient as pushing "send" on an email from the comfort of the office, presenting a proposal or design concept in person is a more enjoyable experience. I also get to read the body language of the person I'm presenting to. And, I've experienced a much higher conversion rate on proposals when delivering them in person.




  • Working remotely from anywhere in the world. I can be in Europe, or the USA (I'm in Palm Springs as you read this newsletter) and manage my business thanks to technology.

  • Being able to work on the same document at the same time (without conflicts). We use Google Drive for any major documents that need to be shared with the team.

  • Presenting to clients in person.

  • Cloud Storage to ensure the safety of our files. We use Dropbox and Google Drive.

  • Website and Phone Apps for business that actually make life easier. We use Later for all the scheduling of our social media posts.




  • Lazy courier companies who don't communicate delivery times effectively. They've got the technology at hand (hello Uber), so why don't they use it?

  • Using text messaging when a call is appropriate. You know the difference.

  • Ghosting. Whether it's a client, team member, supplier (or really just anyone) there's no excuse for disappearing without a trace.

  • Being locked into a traditional Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm business model. We're not living in the 1950's! Business owners are lazy if they can't see beyond the boundaries of this outdated way of working.



I hope you've taken a couple of valuable tips from our TDC x Learning newsletter. If you're reading this online, and want to hear more, make sure you subscribe as a member (it's free!).


Until next week, stay well and always be kind.



Andrew and the TDC Team


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