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The Year So Far: Interview with 2024 TDC Scholar Alessandra Smith

Updated: Sep 17

"The overall experience has been life-changing, and I know that I will take these learnings with me as I continue to grow and evolve as a designer and business owner."

Our interview with Alessandra Smith (Alessandra Smith Design)

Alessandra Smith, 2024 TDC Scholarship Winner. Photo by Teleisha Thomas.

TDC: Thanks for taking time to chat to us today Ally! This year is flying past at an incredible rate so we’re already more than halfway through your Scholarship year. How’s your year been so far? 

AS: We’re only in August, yet this year has already surpassed all my expectations! I set some ambitious goals for myself at the beginning of the year and I’m feeling proud to have achieved a number of them. The Design Coach Scholarship Program has played a pivotal role in keeping me on track and equipping me with the skills, knowledge and resources to refine my business processes. 

Of course, the year hasn’t been without its challenges, particularly running a small business amidst a challenging economic climate, however the support from Andrew and the TDC community has been invaluable. Their encouragement has empowered me to navigate these hurdles with resilience and a forward-thinking approach.

TDC: How are you finding the overall program has contributed to the development of your business so far?


AS: The Program has truly been a transformative experience, not just for my business, but also for myself on a more personal level. The Business Bootcamp program helped me to identify gaps in my processes that were resulting in inconsistencies in the client experience. Since finishing the Bootcamp program, I have embedded a structured 6-stage design process that has given me a clear framework for how to operate each client project. From the outset of a project, key milestone deliverables are now locked in with my clients, so they know what to expect at each stage. The result is a more professional and enjoyable client experience, and it also means I have a better grasp on my pipeline of work and can anticipate stages where I may be busier or quieter. 

The Premium Group Coaching Program further deepened this transformation by adopting a holistic approach to problem-solving, encompassing business goals alongside personal and wellness goals. Setting long, medium and short-term goals in various aspects of life has highlighted the interconnectedness between personal fulfilment and professional success. 

Regular check-ins with my accountability group have helped foster a culture of honesty and introspection, pushing me to confront and understand the reasons behind unmet goals. This thorough approach has ensured that all areas of my life are aligned with my values and help support sustainable growth and balance. 

Additionally, the one-on-one coaching sessions with Andrew have provided me with tailored advice specific to the issues that I am experiencing with my business as that point in time. They are an invaluable opportunity to workshop solutions to project challenges and receive feedback and advice on my processes and marketing strategy.  

Overall, I have found the program to offer a unique blend of learning, practical application and peer support which has led to significant progress in streamlining my business operations and expanding my client base. More importantly, it has affirmed the direction I want to take my business, aligning my daily activities more closely with my long-term goals.

Delegates at the Melbourne Design Conference

TDC: You’ve just been part of our Melbourne Design Conference, hosted here in St Kilda, with an incredible line up of guest speakers. What were your biggest takeaways from the Conference? How did you find the group of designers you shared the experience with?

AS: The conference was an incredible experience, and we were really spoilt with the line-up of speakers that we had the privilege of hearing from. The theme of the conference was “Building your business brand” and the mix of workshops, keynote sessions and networking opportunities were tailored to help us reinforce and expand our branding strategy. 

The ‘Business to brand’ workshop delivered by Fiona Killackey was jam-packed with so many illuminating take-aways which included looking at the 3 essential elements of a lasting brand and how to future-proof our brands. I left that session with so many actionable insights that I’ve already started implementing in my business processes.

Two other guest speaker highlights were hearing from interior design superstars, Mim Fanning and Sarah-Jane Pyke. Mim was so generous in sharing her brand pillars and the incredible evolution of her business from solo business owner to now leading a team of over 30! And Sarah-Jane’s workshop on strategic storytelling through publishing was hugely inspiring! 

Sharing the conference experience with a diverse and talented group of designers was equally impactful. The collective energy and enthusiasm created an environment that was ripe for collaboration and open and honest conversations. Together we exchanged ideas, feedback, and shared experiences which has created a supportive community that now extends beyond the conference.

Ally presenting at an intimate event in collaboration with Stylescout at her Elwood Project.

TDC: Of course we’ve been watching you closely on socials and hearing about your business wins along the way. What exciting opportunities have come up so far this year, and what’s on the horizon for the second half of the year?

AS: I’ve had a number of exciting business wins and opportunities come up for me this year that have arisen off the back of me sharing my first professionally photographed project, Elwood Residence. I’ve been thrilled to see this project get published both online and in-print and I feel immensely proud to have had it shortlisted for three industry awards – an achievement I never even dared to imagine for my first project! 

The exposure from this project also led to a collaboration with Jellis Craig where I joined their Tastemakers series. Here I shared design insights and tips from Elwood through an online video series that was supported with online and magazine articles. Together with Stylescout, I also hosted an intimate event at Elwood with a small number of designers where I gave a tour of each of the rooms that I decorated and shared insights into the creative process. 

Looking ahead for the second half of the year, I’m so excited to share two new projects: Thornbury and Caulfield East. The Thornbury project will be published in October and Caulfield East will be photographed in October and shared shortly after. I’m also busy working on several exciting and creatively rewarding residential projects with wonderful clients. 

On a personal note, I’m excited to be heading on a family holiday to Byron Bay in a couple of months. This will be my first holiday in 5 years and also my 3.5 year old son’s first holiday so I’m looking forward to taking the opportunity to switch-off from work and make some precious family memories. 

Elwood Project by Alessandra Smith Design. Photo by Teleisha Thomas.

TDC: There’s been a lot of new information and principles to take on board from the program so far. What are you most looking forward to implementing in the second half of the year?

AS: I’m always looking for ways to improve my processes and client interactions to enhance the quality of service that I deliver. Securing a project is just the beginning; what truly matters is delivering a seamless and enjoyable client experience through well-structured systems and processes. To help me execute this, I’m excited to implement a new and sophisticated project management tool that will help keep me organised and ensure that each project is delivered to a consistently high standard. 

I’m also looking forward to implementing my business development strategy which I think will play a really important role in attracting my ideal clients. Up until now I’ve had a greater focus on my marketing strategy, but the coaching program has highlighted the important role a balanced marketing and business development strategy can play in growing our pipeline and attracting clients that align with our core values. 

TDC: Once again, we’re incredibly grateful to our sponsors Halliday and Baillie for making this program possible. You were lucky to have a 1-on-1 session with director Tanya Rive. What special nuggets of wisdom did you learn from Tanya, and do you have anything you want to say to the company for making this experience possible?

AS: The one-on-one session with Tanya was a wonderful experience where she very generously shared with me her learnings from being at the helm of Halliday and Bailie. I was so impressed by her tenacity and bravery in leaving her home country New Zealand to establish the Halliday and Baillie brand in Australia. She has an obvious passion for the beautiful and thoughtful hardware products that they design, and I left our session with a greater appreciation for the important role quality hardware can play in how we experience and live in our homes. 

I want to extend a heartful thank you to Halliday and Baillie for sponsoring my scholarship. I feel immensely grateful that you have seen potential in me and my young business. The overall experience has been life-changing, and I know that I will take these learnings with me as I continue to grow and evolve as a designer and business owner. Your support has been instrumental in my development and has opened doors that have significantly shaped my career path. Thank you for investing in my journey and for being such a pivotal part of my growth in this industry. 

Thank you again to Halliday + Baillie, our amazing 2024 Sponsor for helping to make the Scholarship program possible.

Stay well, and believe in you!

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