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Welcoming 2021- Embracing lessons from this year and looking forward to the next

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

The year 2020 will be ingrained in our memories forever. Mention it, and people the world over may roll their eyes at the year that was. The stresses and challenges that it presented had many of us pulling out our hair, not to mention a bottle of wine.

Upon reflection though, it hasn’t all been bad.

Taking a step back and slowing down has forced us to stop, reset and reassess our lives and businesses. It’s provided the perfect opportunity to focus on the things for which we’re grateful, and the lessons we want to take into 2021.

There’s nothing like an unprecedented pandemic to test us, right? In the face of adversity, we’ve seen individuals and businesses thrive.

Our ability to adapt our businesses has meant we’ve been able to make the most of the situation and take advantage of opportunities we hadn’t previously considered.

In preparation for the holiday season, we took time to review the year and identified some of the positive things to come from a challenging 2020.

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More time to work on our business, not in it

While an initial drop in work flow had us all panicking, the time it freed up allowed us to work on expanding our business, particularly online.

Having the time to focus on our marketing and back end processes meant we gained a better understanding of what was ticking the boxes for our business and what was not.

Any gaps we had were filled by classes and courses, such as those offered by us at The Design Coach which offered invaluable insights into the habits of successful design operators. Our sell-out Business Bootcamp fast tracked up-skilling for many designers who chose to take advantage of the downtime by learning valuable new processes.

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Image by Brett Jordan, Unsplash

Learning from challenges

Faced with unprecedented conditions, we’ve all made mistakes and experienced some failings.

With a dose of genuine reflection, we can see that every mistake holds the gift of an opportunity for growth and learning. Often the most powerful break-throughs come from difficult break-downs.

Our Coaching Services continue to help designers navigate through challenges, set powerful goals and do the work to achieve them. Our clients learn that real change comes through the implementation of effective systems and processes and is strengthened with the use of powerful tools and techniques.

Image by Toa Heftiba, Unsplash

Improved culture

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that there’s no ‘i’ in team. Cliched as it is, this year has highlighted the importance of connection.

Whether you’re a sole trader working on your own, or the director of a large company employing many designers, connecting with our “tribe” and making sure we have each other’s back is more important now, more than ever.

Image by Alexis Brown, Unsplash

Changing how we work

While 2020 turned working situations on their head, we quickly adapted. And some of our new ways of working actually make more sense.

Working from home allows us a much more flexible schedule to connect with clients and work on our business. Technological connections mean our homes are our offices and, as for less commute time (no-one’s arguing with that!).

Image by Antony, Unsplash

Keeping well over the silly season

What should we be doing over the holidays to promote wellbeing and makes sure we hit the ground running in 2021?

We’ve compiled our Top 7 Tips to help you get the most out of your downtime:

  1. Have a plan to limit work. Consider restricting it to 1 - 2 hours a day so that you stay productive, but don’t sacrifice precious holiday time with family and friends.

  2. Automate where you can. Set up an out of office email, create and schedule social media and blog posts in advance, use an automation system that allows clients to book their own appointments online.

  3. Switch off your “people pleaser” default. Don’t be afraid to say no to requests from clients/family/friends.

  4. Practice gratitude. Surround yourself with positivity with positive readings, people and podcasts. Hold an end of year ritual with family and/or friends where you share the best parts of the year that was.

  5. Replenish your creative juices with structured downtime and fun/pampering. A drink with friends, a much-needed massage or a commitment to finally read that novel.

  6. Plan domestic travel in 2021. It’s a good time to give back to Australia. Planning a trip and having something to look forward to is also a great way to head into 2021. Consider joining us at the 2021 Byron Retreat.

  7. Spread kindness. Offer to help at local charities or volunteer your services to raise money for a good cause. It’s a great way to lift the spirits while receiving the gift of giving.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved in our classes, coaching and courses during 2020. It certainly wasn’t the year we planned, but it’s turned out to be rewarding and memorable for many reasons. The main one being the beautiful, kind and generous members who have contributed to our success.

We are excited to bring you even more fabulous experiences, lessons and opportunities in 2021.

Stay well and always be kind.


Andrew and the TDC Team


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